Comprehend the history of computer security and how it evolved into information security. Outlines the phases of the security systems development life cycle, the roles professionals involved in information security within an organization. Micki Krause, Harold F. Tipton, “Handbook of Information Security Management”, Vol 1- CRC Press LLC, 2004.
Possess in-depth knowledge and skill sets in Cyber Security to monitor, prepare, predict, detect respond and prevent cyber-attacks and ensure enterprise security. PROGRAMOUTCOMES(POs)
Understand risks and threats to information security and the need for good information security practices. 6. Apply the techniques, procedures, methods for combating these threats and attacks cyber forensic & information security/cyber security 2013-14 3 ACADEMIC REGULATIONS R13 FOR M. TECH. (REGULAR) DEGREE COURSE Applicable for the students of M. Tech. (Regular) Course from the Academic Year 2013-14 and
Defining an incident relating to cyber security. Recognizing an Incident Protocols for first on crime scene investigations. Government approved handling of computer crime scenarios. Course Content: Module -I: Cyber Incident Statistics, Computer Security Incident, Information as Business Asset, Data Classification,
M.Tech - I Year – II Semester (Cyber Forensics & Information Security/Cyber Security) COMPUTER FORENSICS (PC – 6) Course Objectives: To understand the cyberspace. To understand the forensics fundamentals. To understand the evidence capturing process. To understand the preservation of digital evidence. UNIT - I :
PSO1: Analyze and Evaluate the Cyber Forensics and Information Security needs of an organization. Apply the concepts and theories of information security to various situations,
Introduction to Incident Response, Digital Forensics, Computer Language, Network Language, Realms of the Cyber world. Internet crime and Act: A Brief History of the Internet, Recognizing
Provide a rigorous treatment of the emerging and key subject subarea of CSE - security. 1. Students will gain an understanding of cryptosystems widely used to protect data security on the internet, and be able to apply the ideas in new situations as needed. 1.