Can't Apply an Artifact Appearance to my Weapon
Following the Druid example, if you are a feral Druid wielding a staff, you can transmog your staff to Scythe of Elune using this drop-down. Want to transmog my Artifact. Just like any other …
Cannot Transmogrify Warglaives of Azzinoth - Blizzard Support
I have both Warglaives on my DK and Warrior but can't transmog them Can Monks transmog Warglaives? While Warriors, Rogues, Death Knights, Monks, and Demon Hunters can wield …
Appearance Doesn't Show in the Transmog Wardrobe
Adding an appearance to one Wardrobe does not add it to the other. Transmog is not available for characters in WoW Classic Era. The armor is the same primary armor type your character …
What Will Happen to My Characters And Their Items When Mists …
World of Warcraft Remix: Mists of Pandaria has concluded and is no longer playable.. For information on what happens to remix characters, such as their quest logs being cleared, …
Earning an Allied Race Heritage Armor - Blizzard Support
To receive the special Heritage Armor transmog set, you must level your Allied Race character to level 50 and complete the Heritage quest: Dark Iron Dwarf, Highmountain Tauren, Kul Tiran …
Did Not Receive Stormstout's Sha-Warped Or Sha-Touched …
Both the Ensemble: Stormstout's Sha-Warped Collection Transmog Set and Ensemble: Stormstout's Sha-Touched Collection Transmog Set will be made available with the Mists of …
Transferring Transmog Unlocks - Blizzard Support
Your transmog collection is account-wide, and usable by all characters, though only if that transmog is available for that character to use. For example, Rogues can only transmog …
Chunks of Companion Experience Not Being Consumed
Chunks of Companion Experience are meant to be consumed automatically and not added to your inventory. If they are added to your inventory, they are safe to delete.
Can't Refund Item for Valor Points - Blizzard Support
To prevent mistakes, whenever an action removes the refund timer, the game will pop-up a confirmation message that you need to acknowledge and accept. For example, when you …
Unlocking Covenant Transmogs - Blizzard Support
I reached 80 renown with the Venthyr, but it didn't unlock transmog sets for the other covenants. Unlocking Covenant Cosmetics for Multiple Covenants Cosmetic rewards for a specific …