A706 weldable rebar vs. Nelson D2L Deformed Bar Anchors (DBAs) …
Dec 23, 2007 · A706 bars are a low alloy steel and come in two minimum yield strength levels: 60 ksi and 80 ksi, designated as Grade 60 and Grade 80, respectively. We typically use the grade 60. A summary of A706 (an abstract) can be found here:
Rebar Vs Deformed Bar Anchor 2 - Eng-Tips
Oct 11, 2013 · A706 is weldable rebar (also with higher ductility and with a cap on strength.) A DBA (deformed bar anchor) is simply a piece of deformed steel bar or wire, which is welded onto a plate or other embed, and the bar develops using standard ACI development criteria.
Weldable A706 Rebar - Structural engineering general discussion
Jun 16, 2016 · The contractor NOW wants to use rebar with "Zap Screwlok" splices. To make the transition from the current A36 to A615, i will use A706 weldable rebar for the first and second splice. Can i use my typical specification of E70XX electrodes?
Does Weldable A706 Have Same Yield and Tensile as A615?
Jul 23, 2015 · According to an ACI detailing manual, A706-84a has a tensile strength of only 80,000 psi as opposed to the 90,000 of A615-85. So what do the second numbers, -84a and -85 refer to? Also, it seems apparent, through research, that A706 IS INDEED "weldable rebar".
pile Rebar extension - Structural engineering general discussion
Dec 1, 2005 · Can't weld unless the rebar is specifically specified as weldable rebar. I can't remember the ASTM number for weldable rebar, maybe A708. I would probably use some kind of a mechanical splice. Without knowing more details about he geometry, maybe cut the existing bars 1' or so above the top of the pile.
ladder rungs made from re-bar - Eng-Tips
May 24, 2005 · While that's good for strength, it's lousy for welding. Although often successful for temporary purposes, rebar welding should not be used unless the A706 weldable grades are specified. We've seen cracked welds when using A615 rebars for ladder rungs. We simply don't permit rebars for welded ladder rungs unless they are A706 grades. arumrao,
Welding Rebar to Steel? 1 - Eng-Tips
Oct 3, 2003 · The Code makes no distinction between A706 and several other reinforcing steels available. They are all "weldable" when following a proven welding procedure in conformance with the Code. My tests have shown tensile strength to be at least 125% of yield strength is easily attained for welded A706 and A615 gr 60. But it is your money.
Steel Rebar Grading between different standards - Structural
Mar 29, 2018 · AWS D1.4 Code sets the criteria for welding rebar. A706 is always weldable with up to and including #6 rebar without pre-heat, and with pre-heat required for #7 to #18 A615 can be weldable but with pre-heat in all cases, 300 Deg for #6 and under, and 500 deg for #7 and larger, except if mill test reports are available and show Carbon Equivalent ...
Welding rebar - Welding, Bonding & Fastener engineering - Eng …
Oct 9, 2008 · As mentioned AWS D1.4 is typically the applicable code. Also, A706 has a W on that indicates weldable. 1) The only weld pre qualified by his code is a fillet. This would only apply to T connections. 2)The WPS will need to be qualified by testing. The welder will also need to perform a certification test. 3)Splice is dependant on application.
Welding of Rebar - Structural engineering general discussion
May 13, 2003 · ASTM A706 is considered "weldable" rebar. There are many types of reinforcing steel that are also weldable, but the 706 has a distinct marking of "W" (weldable) stamped into the deformations for identification. Or a "W" and "S" denoting compliance with multi-grade bars (A706/A615).