Criminology, Law and Justice | University of Illinois Chicago
The UIC Criminology, Law, and Justice degree program prepares graduates for a broad range of professional roles in the criminal justice system while also serving as entry to graduate programs of criminal justice and other related fields.
Criminology, Law and Justice - University of Illinois Chicago
Criminology, law, and justice is a social and behavioral science field of study that selects crime, law, and the criminal justice system for its subject matter.
Criminology, Law and Justice - University of Illinois Chicago
In addition to the graduate college requirements, the department of Criminology, Law, and Justice sets its own deadlines for admission, which you can view below. Please check out our FAQ page for any questions you have pertaining to our program.
Criminology, Law and Justice - University of Illinois Chicago
To earn a Bachelor of Arts in Liberal Arts and Sciences degree from UIC, students must complete University, college, and department degree requirements. The CLJ Department degree requirements are outlined here in the course catalogue.
Criminology, Law and Justice - University of Illinois Chicago
Welcome to the Graduate program in Criminology, Law, and Justice at the University of Illinois at Chicago. With faculty and students engaged with the most vital intellectual issues facing Criminology, Law, and Justice today and inspired by the challenges of teaching in a large and diverse public university, the UIC Criminology, Law and Justice ...
Criminology, Law and Justice - University of Illinois Chicago
Criminology, Law, and Justice (312) 413-1573 | [email protected] Schuck, Amie M. | CLJ Faculty, Department Head
Criminology, Law and Justice - University of Illinois Chicago
Welcome to the Admissions section of the CLJ's Department website. Whether you are considering declaring Criminology, Law, and Justice as your major, or if you are already declared, you can find more info on the Major and Minor Requirements below.
Guidelines for Statement of Purpose - University of Illinois Chicago
Criminology, Law and Justice College of Liberal Arts and Sciences . View Menu Criminology, Law and Justice. Academics. Graduate Studies. Graduate Admissions. Guidelines for Statement of Purpose. Guidelines for Statement of Purpose ... University of Illinois System; Urbana-Champaign; Springfield;
Erez, Edna | Criminology, Law and Justice - University of Illinois …
She is past editor of Justice Quarterly, Co-editor of the International Review of Victimology, and Co-Chief Editor of Oxford’s International Criminology. She also serves on editorial boards of several scholarly journals in criminology/criminal justice and legal studies.
Criminology, Law and Justice - University of Illinois Chicago
William P. McCarty, Ph.D. in Criminal Justice, University of Nebraska at Omaha, is an Associate Professor in the Department of Criminology, Law and Justice at the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC). He is also the director of the Center for Research in Law and Justice at UIC.