Home - Tyree Ag
Tyree Ag specializes in custom aerial and ground application services for crop and livestock producers in southcentral Kansas and northwest Oklahoma.
About Tyree Ag - Tyree Ag
Tyree Ag specializes in custom aerial and ground application services for crop and livestock producers in southcentral Kansas and northwest Oklahoma. They are an authorized Corteva …
Kinsley - Tyree Ag
A business office, warehouse, and seed shed facilities are located in Kinsley, Kansas to provide storage for bulk crop protection products, liquid fertilizers, and seed. A state-of-the-art drive …
Locations - Tyree Ag
Kinsley. Office - Full Services 1422 Briggs Avenue Kinsley, KS 67547. Phone: 620-659-2208. Fax: 620-659-2007
Contact Us - Tyree Ag
Kinsley Office: 620-659-2208 Laverne Office: 580-921-3162 www.tyreeag.com [email protected]
Kristine Puthoff - Tyree Ag
Kristine began at Tyree Ag in February 2015 and manages the marketing, advertisement, and community relations areas for the business, as well as employee relations. She grew up near …
Tim and Paige Tyree - Tyree Ag
Tim started working as an agronomist for a spray pilot operating from the Larned, Kansas area in 1992. He examined customer’s acreage and recommended the appropriate aerial spraying for …
Ground Application - Tyree Ag
Across our service area, Tyree Ag currently operates five high clearance ground rigs, each supported with its own tender truck and trailer. We are ready to serve you through our two …
Aerial Application - Tyree Ag
In addition to our Kinsley facility, aerial support equipment at Lyons, Larned, and Ashland, Kansas allows for quick transitions of airplanes to best service producers across the area.
Brock Hoover - Tyree Ag
Brock began working for Tyree Ag in April 2022 in our warehouse, assisting with deliveries and product inventory and transportation. He was born and raised in southwest Kansas and has …