Tubbercurry: Many tributes to role of Marist Order in Tubbercurry
They enrolled their first girls in 1913/'14 and a boarding school at the Marist Convent resulted for young girls. Many travelled daily to the convent. Mr. Barlow said he was most delighted to...
Marist Sisters - Celebrating Pioneers! Recently these... - Facebook
Recently these Sisters were honoured by the Tubbercurry community - it is 60 years since they founded the Marist convent and school in Sundrive Rd, Dublin. The foundresses from left to right: Srs Anne, Catherine, Brendan, Aideen, Francis and Leo.
Marist Sisters - Members of the Tubbercurry community.
Members of the Tubbercurry community celebrated the Patronal Feast of Ireland. Sr Anne Mc Cormack organist, Sr Francis Cosgrove our Sacristan and florist, Sr Mary Brennan and Sr Catherine Jordan part of our Convent choir.
Marist Convent Secondary School, Tubbercurry, Co Sligo, Ireland …
All Past Pupils of the Marist Convent Tubbercurry are invited to an Open Day on 11th August 14 - Opening Time's 3pm to 5pm or 6.30pm to 8.30pm to view...
Class Reunion @ Tubbercurry – Marist Sisters
Jun 17, 2023 · Srs Georgina Cawley and Marie O’Reilly were involved in organizing a class reunion for Tubbercurry 1968 – 1973. Thirty-six former pupils plus teachers and sisters gathered with excitement and anticipation of recognising and meeting old friends.
Permission to redevelop local convent sought | Irish Independent
Oct 15, 2008 · THE Marist Sisters are to seek planning permission to redevelop the existing building of St. Joseph's Convent in Tubbercurry, known locally as the Marist Convent.
Marist Sisters Convent, Emmett St, Tobercurry, Co. Sligo, Ireland – …
This ambitious scheme which was built on a 3.54 hectares site at the grounds of the Marist Convent and included 47 apartments, 23 luxury town houses, six retail shops, three Health Board units for those in need of sheltered housing, over thirty affordable houses and a medical centre.
Marist Convent, Tubbercurry, Co. Sligo SL-00218
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Double Platinum Celebration – Marist Sisters
Feb 26, 2023 · Sisters Francis Cosgrove and Mary Brennan both members of the Tubbercurry Community celebrated their Platinum Jubilee of Profession. It was a time to rejoice and give thanks for each Sister and her 70 years of service as a Marist Sister.
Sr. Stephanie was much loved | Irish Independent
Mar 2, 2011 · Almost immediately, she was assigned to Tubbercurry where she joyfully ministered for 64 years. Sr. Stephanie was the third daughter of a family of six girls to become a Marist Sister.