Leader - Marvel Snap Cards
Leader Marvel Snap 6-cost Card with 4 power and ability: On Reveal: Copy the enemy card (s) with the highest Power played this turn, but on your side.. Best decks, all variants, devs answers.
Leader - Marvel Snap - snap.fan
Leader is a MARVEL SNAP card that costs 6 energy and has 4 power. It has the effect: " On Reveal: Copy the enemy card(s) with the highest Power played this turn, but on your side." It has variants that are part of the Dan Hipp, Luca Claretti, Mad Boogie, Pantheon and Pixel categories.
Leader - MARVEL SNAP Card - Untapped.gg
Find stats, decks, and variants for Leader, a MARVEL SNAP Series 3 card that costs 6 energy, has 4 power. It has the effect: "On Reveal: Copy the enemy card(s) with the highest Power played this turn, but on your side." The original card art is colored by Ryan Kinnaird, and drawn by …
Marvel SNAP: Leader Deck Guide (Tips, Cards, & Strategies) - Screen Rant
Jan 20, 2023 · Marvel SNAP's controversial Leader card copies an opponent's moves with devastating effect, but players must still get support from high-Power cards.
Is Leader actually worth the tokens? : r/MarvelSnap - Reddit
Jan 4, 2023 · When you use Leader, for the majority of time you need to be in a better position than your opponent which can be easily recognized by better players and they'll retreat. On the other side, the combos control cards/decks provide is much more worth it, at least in my opinion.
The BEST Leader Decks + Synergies in MARVEL SNAP
Dec 25, 2023 · The Best Leader Decks. The decks here are ranked by how well the decks perform in the current meta. As I said earlier in this guide, the table will get updated every time I update the meta deck tier list here automatically! Right now there is no viable deck in the meta that works well with this card.
Leader Decks - Marvel Snap Zone
The largest Marvel Snap deck database that you can search, filter, and sync with your card collection.
Leader - Marvel Snap Card Database
Marvel Snap Card Database. Developed by Alan Site Help The literal and graphical information presented on this site about Marvel Snap, including card images and card text, Marvel Heroes, The Marvel Snap CCG, and The Marvel Snap CCG Art and its trademarks are ©2022 Marvel. This website is not produced by, endorsed by, supported by, or affiliated with Marvel.
Leader Marvel Snap Card Variant
Leader Marvel Snap Card Variant with details about availability.
Leader Marvel Snap Card | MarvelSnap.pro
Cards listed in the Synergy section are the most commonly used in decks with Leader. Sometimes synergy is based on common abilities, sometimes on combo effects. You can pick up synergetic cards to start deck building with this card. Explore More …