Murder of teen student Taylor Behl by 39-year-old Ben Fawley
Apr 9, 2020 · Taylor Behl was a 17-year-old freshman starting university in Richmond, VA, when she disappeared in 2005. Her killer was Ben Fawley, a 39-year-old slacker.
Taylor Behl: Searching For Secrets - CBS News
Jan 16, 2007 · Taylor's friend, Erin Crabill, received a $20,000 reward for assisting the investigation. She established a fund for women in crisis, with part of the money, in honor of Taylor Behl.
Taylor Behl Murder: Who Killed Her? Where is Benjamin Fawley Now?
Mar 16, 2021 · Her roommate, Emma Ellsworth, stated that Taylor had left to go skateboarding with her friends to give her and her male friend some privacy. But Taylor never came back. A few days later, her roommates went to the campus police to report Taylor missing.
Murder of Taylor Behl - Wikipedia
Taylor's friend, Erin Crabill, received a $20,000 reward for assisting the investigation. She established a fund for women in crisis, with part of the money, in honor of Taylor Behl. [ 2 ]
Taylor Behl: Internet ‘Friend’ Dumped Her Corpse in a Ditch
Nov 21, 2023 · Just two weeks into her freshman year at Virginia Commonwealth University, Taylor Behl vanished on Labor Day 2005. A major hunt launched for the missing 17-year-old led cops to a trail of clues left on the Internet social networking site MySpace — one of the first times lawmen used a "friends" list on the worldwide web to find suspects.
My Roommate, Ben Fawley - Style Weekly
Feb 1, 2006 · As the days passed and Taylor’s disappearance was made public, Ben occasionally talked about his “friend” with whom he had a sexual relationship.
Dreams Unfulfilled - Style Weekly
Nov 2, 2005 · On Oct. 13, 1987, Janet Pelasara and Matt Behl welcomed their daughter, Taylor, into the world. Less than two years later, they divorced. Pelasara soon married again, to a Royal Air Force...
Taylor Behl Murder - Full Case Coverage, Breaking News and …
FEATURE STORY ON THE DISAPPEARANCE OF TAYLOR BEHL - Seventeen-year-old Virginia college student disappeared on Labor Day, 2005, without a trace, until her remains were found a month later. A former friend, Ben W. Fawley, claimed he killed her accidentally.
Taylor Behl: A New Chapter of Possibilities Violently Dashed
According to the information gathered during the investigation, she’d just finished dinner with a friend. She had hung out with Ben Fawley, the photographer friend she’d kept a secret from her mother. She entered her dorm to find that her roommate had company.
The Murder of Taylor Behl - Catt's True Crime Corner
Jun 23, 2021 · Taylor visited the campus twice – in February and April. During the April visit, Taylor’s father, Matt, dropper her off at her friend Mike’s apartment. Mike was a friend of the family, and a Virginia Commonwealth University (also known as VCU) student.