The Grand Alliance Community
Welcome to The Grand Alliance Community. In addition to the forums we have sections for Events, Members Blogs, a Downloads and Resource section and a Gaming Club Directory. We also have a TGA.Community Age of Sigmar Facebook group. please join the group and let others know about it too.
Darkoath Chaos imagery - Age of Sigmar Discussions - The Grand …
May 22, 2024 · I have almost finished assembling my Darkoaths and after checking them I have only found a single chaos symbol (and uncertain if it is a chaos symbol in AoS) on the chieftain. Has anyone noticed more?
The Rumour Thread - Page 6543 - Age of Sigmar Discussions
Apr 20, 2016 · They probably flash a hashut symbol but the thing is that there so far behind 5 factions that can't see something concrete like a model 1 minute ago, Ejecutor said: Too early for me, but it is true that we lack a "proper preview" until August.
3D Printed Counters/Markers Ideas - The Grand Alliance Community
Aug 19, 2016 · For the command ability I'm toying with an opened scroll with a symbol at the bottom to represent like a seal. This symbol can then be one of 4, one for each alliance. As for selling sets of tokens, I will probably print them to order and allow the buyer to state which themes they want in their set.
Age of Sigmar Discussions - The Grand Alliance Community
Jul 17, 2024 · The GT Seal of Approval (aka Look at this) - Kharadron Overlords Do's & Don'ts in the Order section
Allegience Symbols/Icons? - Age of Sigmar Discussions - The …
Feb 17, 2017 · Is there a source that contains the symbols for the various groups in AoS? I understand this is for Stormcast Eternals: And this is for the followers of Sigmar: But what about Sylvanth? The Aelfs or Fyreslayers?
Terrain and Deployment Cards. How do you use them?
Dec 12, 2019 · Hi all Based on the replies I got from my recent Defiled Ruins thread I thought it could be interessting to hear if you people use the Terrain and Deployment decks and how you use them. So. 1. Do you use all, some (symetrical symbols etc.) or none of the Terrain deck cards? why? 2. Do you use all...
Plans for orphaned CoS dwarfs and elves. - Order - The Grand …
Jan 10, 2025 · I love cities of sigmar, and started getting into it with 2nd ed. I have a slightly embarrassing number of shadow warriors and phoenix temple models. I know there is a lot of speculation about what is going to happen with the dwarf and elf stuff in the future. Current thoughts seem to be that the...
Forums - The Grand Alliance Community
Oct 16, 2024 · Talk about Grand Alliance: Order. Army lists, battle reports, tactics and everything Order related.
Age of Sigmar Discussions - The Grand Alliance Community
Apr 20, 2016 · Confirmed Rumours Rumour: Warhammer Quest: Silver Tower Type: Boardgame Date Released May 2016 Rumour: Alariel and Syvaneth Type: New sculpt models Date Released June 2016 Rumour: The General's Handbook Type: Soft back Book Date Released July 2016 Rumour: Bonesplittaz Type: Plastic models and Bat...