Drag of a Sphere | Glenn Research Center | NASA
Sep 11, 2023 · Drag of a Sphere. The aerodynamic drag on an object depends on several factors, including the shape, size, inclination, and flow conditions. All of these factors are related to the value of the drag through the drag equation. D = Cd * .5 * rho * V^2 * A
Shape Effects on Drag | Glenn Research Center | NASA
Nov 20, 2023 · Shape has a very large effect on the amount of drag produced. The drag coefficient for a sphere is given with a range of values because the drag on a sphere is highly dependent on Reynolds number. Flow past a sphere, or cylinder, goes through a number of transitions with velocity.
aerodynamics - What shape has the highest drag coefficient?
Aug 20, 2015 · According to Sighard Hoerner's Fluid Dynamic Drag, this would be the half-sphere with the open side exposed to the wind. Its drag coefficient is 1.42. A rod with a hemispherical cross section will even have a drag coefficient of 2.3 (right column in the graph below).
may be encountered in determining the aerodynamics of sphere-like shapes. These problems are generally associated with unsteady flow conditions resulting from the blunt shapes.
Theoretical aerodynamic is presented by superimposing of a uniform flow and doublet to compute the lift over a spinning sphere in ideal flow. Analytical is based on Kutta-Joukowski theorem with the assumption that flow field around the spinning sphere will not influence the synthesized flow.
What's is the drag on a sphere as a function of speed?
Feb 23, 2025 · What's is the drag on a sphere as a function of speed? What would it look like if plotted on a graph up to, say, Mach 5? The curve follows your explanation, though Re also influences the shape.
Supersonic and Hypersonic Drag Coefficients for a Sphere
A comprehensive review of all relevant experimental data was completed, including recent data for the drag coefficient for a sphere in supersonic and hypersonic flows. The primary characterization ...
In aerodynamics, a sphere is practically the simplest shape to analyze. As discussed above, the flow field around an object is strongly affected by its angle of attack. A sphere has symmetry around all three axes, and therefore its angle of attack never varies. In effect, the angle of attack of a sphere is always zero.
The combined influence of spin and roughness frequency on sphere ...
Apr 5, 2024 · Considering the aerodynamic forces on a sphere from a control volume perspective, the lift and drag are a result of the pressure and shear distributions over the sphere surface.
Sphere Drag Coefficients for a Broad Range of Mach and …
May 17, 2012 · Aerothermodynamics of a sphere in a monatomic gas based on ab initio interatomic potentials over a wide range of gas rarefaction: transonic, supersonic and hypersonic flows