The 40 Worst Rob Liefeld Drawings - Progressive Boink
Apr 21, 2012 · This is what a woman looks like to Rob Liefeld. I can't even kid about this. It's fucking ridiculous. Fucking ricockulous. She's wearing a string of pouches where her stomach should but could not possibly be and both her thighs and forearms are larger than her abdomen.
The History of Rob Liefeld and His Pouches - Bleeding Cool
May 30, 2018 · Now, Liefeld has a reputation of giving his characters lots and lots of pouches without ever letting people know what's inside them. It was a visual tic, a way to add complexity to a costume...
40 MORE Of The Worst Rob Liefeld Drawings. - Progressive Boink
Jun 14, 2012 · In 2011, Rob Liefeld had been drawing comics professionally for 25 years. In the years between 1986 and 2011, not once did an editor crack open a FedEx package containing Liefeld's art, slide out the inked pages, and say "what the shit am I looking at."
10 Of Rob Liefeld’s Most Outrageous Drawings Of Marvel Heroes
Mar 14, 2024 · Rob Liefeld's art was defining for '80s and '90s comics, with big, bold illustrations that were both loved and critiqued. Outrageous depictions of characters, especially female anatomy, drew both ire and admiration for their unforgettable nature.
The Worst (Best!) Rob Liefeld Covers - Ranker
Sep 23, 2021 · What do you think those pouches contain? As for the giant woman in the back.... note that she is a rare sighting... a Liefeld creation that doesn't have any pouches. That must be why she's wearing a tutu.
Rob Liefeld Designs the Most Rob Liefeld Superhero Ever - CBR
Mar 30, 2018 · Most recently, Liefeld has been drawing covers for his line of Extreme comics at Image, in addition to the odd variant cover for Marvel. A new sketch from Rob Liefeld boasts his creations' most trademark artistic touch, which most famously was a staple of Cable's costume.
The 40 Worst Rob Liefeld Drawings, Part 4 Of 4
Apr 21, 2012 · Good news, y'all! Rob Liefeld has drawn so many shitty drawings that in June 2012, we did ANOTHER all-new list for him! Check it out here!
Rob Liefeld shares another images of The Pouch : r/comicbooks
The first illustration of The Pouch was a revelation. The second is a culmination. A third would be reaching. Fourth and beyond, played out. So in true Liefeld fashion, expect The Pouchverse: A line of Pouch comics, hiring the best in the industry. Then the multimedia juggernaut, Pouch XTREME. Toys, games, apps, direct-to-Hulu movies.
The 40 worst Rob Liefeld Drawings - Comic Vine
Liefeld is just a crappy artist, plain and simple. I absolutely refuse to support his books (mostly because I abhor his "art" and can't stand looking at it) and think more people should do...
Rob Liefeld (Creator) - TV Tropes
Robert Liefeld (born October 3, 1967) is an American comic-book artist. His unique style (exaggerated anatomy, pouches, excessive hatching, pouches, panel-bursting splash compositions, and pouches) is widely recognized. He is also credited as a …
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