Modern paganism in the United States - Wikipedia
Modern paganism in the United States is represented by widely different movements and organizations. The largest modern pagan (also known as neo-pagan) religious movement is Wicca, followed by Neodruidism. Both of these religions or spiritual paths were introduced during the 1950s and 1960s from Great Britain.
Why paganism and witchcraft are making a comeback - NBC News
Oct 30, 2022 · Witchcraft, which includes Wicca, paganism, folk magic and other New Age traditions, is one of the fastest-growing spiritual paths in America. In 1990, Trinity College in Connecticut estimated...
The Return of Paganism – Commentary Magazine
Apr 14, 2023 · Everywhere you turn these days, pagans are afoot, busily hacking away at the Christian and Jewish foundations of American life and replacing them with a cosmology that would have been absolutely coherent to followers of, say, Voltumna, the Etruscan earth god, or to those who worshipped the Celt tribal protector Toutatis.
Paganism Is On the Rise! Latest Statistics and Studies — Celebrate ...
Oct 7, 2021 · “Paganism is one of the fastest-growing religions in America. Nearly 1.5 million Americans openly claim paganism as their religion. And most self-identified pagans in America have embraced a broader form of paganism.” The PEW Institute tracts the …
The Rise of Modern Paganism - Tomorrow's World
In America, the fastest-growing religion is witchcraft, and statues promoting satanism appear on public grounds. The U.S. Air Force Academy has even constructed a pagan chapel. Why should the return of paganism matter to progressive Western nations today, where tolerance, acceptance, and diversity are promoted and celebrated?
Could neo-paganism be the new 'religion' of America? - Big …
Sep 30, 2019 · As Americans turn away from organized religion, pagan spiritualities gain popularity and visibility. Although it isn’t a homogenized religion, groups identifying within neo-paganism share some...
The Impact of Paganism on the American Culture, Past, Present, and ...
Sep 13, 2015 · There is proof almost on every corner of America that leads one to believe that this country was actually founded more on a Pagan belief system rather than a Christian one. Before we discuss the effects of Paganism on America, let’s learn about the Pagan belief system, and the history of Paganism.
25 Most Influential People in the Birth of Modern Paganism
Mar 6, 2013 · Modern Paganism has been influenced by countless people over the past 200 years, but only twenty-five of them (give or take) made my list. Today’s installment looks at Ten Americans (sorry...
Contemporary Resurgence in America | The Pluralism Project
During the last few decades, the American Pagan community has multiplied dramatically. Many Pagans attribute the movement’s growth to the attractiveness of a life-affirming spirituality in an alienating society.
America was Founded on Pagan Ideals - Oldenwilde
Dec 3, 2014 · Learn why America's proudest symbols are temples, pentagrams, and goddesses, and how you can use them in spellcraft for justice and peace. Read about our "matriotic" philosophy as Wiccan activists — together with an unabashedly Pagan poem by Thomas Paine in praise of the Liberty Tree .