Dr. Meghana Ranganathan
Ranganathan Lab @Uchicago website I am also passionate about diversity, equity, justice, and inclusion in STEM, particularly in the geosciences, and am interested in the history of colonialism and imperialism within the sciences.
DEI, Teaching, Outreach — Dr. Meghana Ranganathan
Dr. Meghana Ranganathan. Home Research Publications DEI & Teaching Contact Outreach, Teaching, and DEI. I believe strongly in encouraging younger students and scientists. Glaciology, as all aspects of science and academia, need more women and people of color - especially women of color - and I am committed to engage in mentoring, teaching, and ...
Publications — Dr. Meghana Ranganathan
Ranganathan, M., Minchew, B., Meyer, C., & Pec, M., (2021). Recrystallization of ice enhances the creep and vulnerability to fracture of ice shelves, Earth and Planetary Science Letters , 576:117219. doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2021.117219 .
About - Dr. Meghana Ranganathan
Jun 14, 2022 · About: Meghana Ranganathan Me & the KT Boundary at Møns Klint I am currently finishing my graduate work at MIT EAPS, working with Brent Minchew and MITglaciology .
Research — Dr. Meghana Ranganathan
Dr. Meghana Ranganathan. Home Research Publications DEI & Teaching Contact Research. Changing ice sheets: Ice is a key factor of the climate system and ice dynamics have significant implications for water resources and global sea levels. I study the dynamics, energetics, and feedbacks involved within ice sheets.
News & Media — Dr. Meghana Ranganathan
Paper published! (August 2021) Our paper looking at the representation of women among geoscience faculty in the United States was just published in AGU Advances, along with a companion paper by Dr. Meredith Hastings which puts the paper into context and discusses the importance of community, the need to reframe our thinking of diversity and science, and the next steps that the geoscience ...
Contact - Dr. Meghana Ranganathan
Contact - Dr. Meghana Ranganathan ... Contact
Science Communication — Dr. Meghana Ranganathan
Dr. Meghana Ranganathan. Home Research Publications DEI & Teaching Contact Science Communication. tedx boca raton. I spoke at TEDxBocaRaton in October 2019, on the theme “Rethinking Relationships”. My talk focused on human relationships with ice and how rapidly our understanding of our ice sheets has changed in the last two decades.
Inferring Ice Stream Properties — Dr. Meghana Ranganathan
I show using synthetic tests that we can infer both ice viscosity (a function of the flow-rate parameter such that large values of the flow-rate parameter translate to low ice viscosity) and basal slipperiness (a representation of how ‘slippery’ the bed is, or the lack of resistance the bed provides to the ice moving over it) if strain-rates are included in the regularization.
Research - Data Assimilation — Dr. Meghana Ranganathan
Dr. Meghana Ranganathan. Home Research Publications DEI & Teaching Contact Data Assimilation for Non-Gaussian Systems . Problem. Data assimilation (the update of model outputs with measurement errors to compensate for imperfect models and to ensure that the results of models match data and observations) is being increasingly used in atmospheric ...