The Listener scheme | How we can help - Samaritans
The Listener scheme is a peer-support scheme within prisons, which aims to reduce suicide and self-harm. Listeners are prisoners who provide confidential emotional support to their peers …
We run peer support in prisons called the Listener scheme, which exists in nearly every prison across England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland. Listeners are selected, trained and supported …
Our work in prisons | How we can help | Samaritans
People in prison can access our services in a range of ways, as we work to reduce suicide and self-harm in prisons. Listeners are prisoners, who are specially selected and trained, who …
Listener scheme – insidetime & insideinformation
Jul 1, 2015 · Listeners don’t share what they’ve been told with anyone outside the Listener scheme and Samaritans. Listeners in Brixton wear green t-shirts or orange fleeces with an …
Samaritans rebrands to show it’s “so much more than a helpline”
Mar 19, 2019 · The suicide prevention charity has been given a new look by Spencer Du Bois, which looks to help make it more appealing to younger audiences while highlighting what it …
30 years of listening to people in prison - Clinks
Sep 30, 2021 · This September, Samaritans is marking the 30th Anniversary of the first prison Listener scheme in HMP Swansea. Now, almost every prison in the UK and Republic of …
In prisons | How we can help - Samaritans
People in prison can access our services in a range of ways, as we work to reduce suicide and self-harm in prisons. Hear from volunteers who've supported our award-winning Prison …
The Listener Scheme - The Voluntary Sector in Prisons: …
Via the Listener scheme, prisoners suffering distress, despair, and suicidal ideation are able to talk face to face about their feelings without judgement and with utmost confidentiality. …
Samaritans - NSPA
We run peer support in prisons called the Listener scheme, which exists in nearly every prison across England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland and in the Republic of Ireland. …
Listeners: ‘We’re still here for you’ - insidetime.org
Jan 31, 2023 · During the pandemic, Samaritans’ Listener Scheme - an important source of support for people in prison - had to be halted. Over that time, many people have entered …