L 20 HGSNM - Steel Grades
This page cover the L 20 HGSNM/L20HGSNM Chemical element, Mechanical Properties, L20HGSNM Datasheet, Cross Reference of L20HGSNM Mainly used for Abrasive wear resistant cast steel -- Grades.
Application: Abrasive wear resistant cast steel -- Grades. Heat treated: 1475°C - 1445°C. Carbon, Silicon, Manganese, Phosphorus, Sulfur are called "Five Elements". They are the main impurities in steel. Carbon improves steel hardness. Silicon strengthens the steel strength.
Microstructure of L20HGSNM steel cast (A) in the area
Microstructure of L20HGSNM steel cast (A) in the area approximately 0.5 mm under the surface (OM) and crosssection through the top layer of L35GSM (B) steel cast (OM). During an in-situ...
Synergism of the Binary Wear Process of Machinery Elements Used …
Mar 2, 2021 · Sprockets (Figure 3D) made from flame-hardened cast steel alloys: GS42CrMo-4, L35GSM, L30GS, L20HGSNM and A6 were the object of the tests. The mechanical properties of the considered steels are presented in Table 1 , while the chemical composition of cast steel is presented in Table 2 .
Chemical composition of cast steel (mass%). - ResearchGate
( Figure 3D) made from flame-hardened cast steel alloys: GS42CrMo-4, L35GSM, L30GS, L20HGSNM and A6 were the object of the tests. The mechanical properties of the considered steels are...
L20HGSNM cast steel according to PN-88/H-83160 standard [6], characterised by the highest mechanical properties (Rm > 1300MPa and Re> 1100 MPa) among all cast steel grades
Właściwości staliwa L20HGSNM... - BaDAP AGH
An influence of the modification of low alloyed cast steel containing: 0.22%C; 0.8%Si; 1%Mn; 0.7%Cr; 0.15%Mo; 1%Ni by means of titanium and boron - is presented in the paper. It was shown that introduction of 0.002%B has a strong influence on the structure in …
In this article, the authors present the results of research on abrasive wear of L20HGSNM and L120G13 (Table 1) steel castings and pad welded layers of FeCrVW with the addition of rare earth metal oxides. A decrease in average wear [μm] and …
Staliwo L2OHGSNM odporne na zużycie ścierne L20HGSNM cast steel ...
Digital Library of the Silesian University of Technology. Staliwo L2OHGSNM odporne na zużycie ścierne L20HGSNM cast steel abrasively wear-resistant Jura, Stanisław; Bogucki, Roman
L20HGSNM CAST STEEL ABRASIVELY WEAR-RESISTANT SUMMARY The results of investigations on erosion wear of L20HGSNM cast steel have been based on Bitter’s theory. There has been elaborated special software which enables to calculate unit energy of erosion wear. Kick’s law and Meyer’s transformations used