Fellas, pack it up. Doom is now wall level. : r ... - Reddit
May 18, 2023 · Kingpin got Doom scaling now. Counterpoint: Kingpin is Multi (or whatever bs level Doom is at) Kingpin now solos your favorite verse. Nah that other guy just got a huge buff. doctor doom fell off. The Kingpin is now way above celestials and outer gods and cannot be stopped. Jokes aside this panel goes so hard. What even is Comic scaling anymore?
Kingpin & Doctor Doom Could Be Marvel's Deadliest Team Up
May 29, 2022 · While it is possible that Kingpin has outsmarted Reed Richards and that he isn't in Latveria, the comic is clearly setting up a partnership between Kingpin and Doctor Doom.
Still can't get over the idea that Dr. Doom would cry about 9/
Magneto is a glorified terrorist. Doom is an egotistical tyrant who doesn't mind killing thousands of "insignificant" lives to achieve his goal. Kingpin might be ruthless but he cares for the city of New York.
Kingpin vs Doctor Doom - Who would win in a fight?
All traits of a character are used for calculating the Classification. This doesn't mean that a higher class would always beat a lower class character. But the bigger the difference in Class is, the more obvious it is who'll win in a fight. Every Super Power has a score (SPS) that is used to calculate the Class.
Doctor Doom Vs Classic Kingpin - Battles - Comic Vine
Kingpin has held his own against Captain America and beat Spider-Man. I still think Doom wins here. He beat that lion pretty easily and I think he can put his intelligence into a hand to hand...
Marvel: 10 Times That Doctor Doom Actually Won - CBR
Sep 5, 2021 · In David Micheline and Bob Hall’s Avengers: Emperor Doom, Doctor Doom won and took over the world by using Purple Man’s hypnotic abilities. World peace is achieved, but Doom finds his life to be less about challenge and power and more about administration.
Doom’s Vengeance Acts: Punisher – Comics Archeology
Mar 26, 2022 · Naturally Bushwacker fails to kill the Punisher, leading to a brutal takedown by Doctor Doom and his awesome chair. Seriously, when are we going to get another chance to have both Doctor Doom and Kingpin trade insults? These two are just a riot!
Acts of Vengeance (Event) | Marvel Database | Fandom
The so-called "Prime Movers" (Dr. Doom, Magneto, Kingpin, Wizard, Mandarin, and Red Skull) were originally tricked into thinking that the Acts of Vengeance were each individual's idea by Loki who posed as an unassuming man in a white suit and played at being their personal assistant/lackey, making each believe they were really in charge.
Kingpin resisting Killgrave is a better scene than when Doom …
Jan 18, 2018 · The Doom page is an example of his status as Marvel's Batgod, while Kingpin struggling to shake off Killgrave's powers is cooler and more human. Showing the effort is almost always better than no-selling.
Acts of Vengeance: The Punisher vs. Doctor Doom ... - the m0vie blog
May 5, 2012 · The Kingpin manipulates Doom into taking on the Punisher through the tried-and-tested schoolyard method of “no-you-can’t-yes-I-can”, as Doom suddenly demands, “Do you doubt I can do it?” Kingpin innocently inquires, “Do what?” Doom responds, “Eliminate the …