Officer shot in face in Jerome County, suspect identified
Feb 9, 2011 · Authorities say Jerome Police Officer Dennis Clark attempted to stop Chris Taylor, 29, for traffic violations near the east side of Jerome. Taylor failed to stop and ledofficers on a five-mile,...
Officer Dennis Clark – Idaho Medal of Honor Commission
On February 7, 2011, at approximately 5:00 p.m., Jerome Police Officer Dennis Clark saw a suspect, whom he knew to have a suspended license, driving a vehicle. Officer Clark initiated a traffic stop; however, the suspect refused to stop and the …
Idaho Officer Shot In the Face - POLICE Magazine
Feb 9, 2011 · A Jerome (Idaho) Police officer was shot in the face and the suspect wounded, after a high-speed crash near the city limits, reports NECN.com. Jerome PD's Officer Dennis Clark attempted to stop Chris Taylor.
Idaho officer shot in face after pursuit - Police1
Feb 10, 2011 · Authorities say Jerome Police Officer Dennis Clark attempted to stop Chris Taylor, 29, for traffic violations near the east side of Jerome. Taylor failed to stop and led officers on a …
Update: Investigators Release More Information Regarding Officer ...
Feb 8, 2011 · Authorities in Jerome county have identified the suspect in last night’s officer involved shooting. According to investigators Jerome city police officer Dennis Clark attempted to stop 29 year...
Jerome officer says gunshot left eye blind for life - The Times-News
Jerome Police Officer Dennis Clark’s dark glasses stood out as he sat in the witness stand at a Jerome County courtroom. He never took them off while on the stand and spoke softly as he...
Taylor Gets Life for Shooting Jerome Cop - magicvalley.com
Christopher Taylor, right, was sentenced Monday in a Jerome courtroom to serve life in prison for the February shooting of Jerome Police Officer Dennis Clark.
On February 7, 2011, at approximately 5:00 p.m., Jerome Police Officer Dennis Clark saw a suspect, whom he knew to have a suspended license, driving a vehicle. Officer Clark initiated a traffic stop; however, the suspect refused to stop and the …
Jerome event honors injured officer Dennis Clark, seeks …
JEROME – In the hours after Jerome Police Officer Dennis Clark was shot during a Feb. 7 high-speed pursuit, calls came flooding in to his fellow officers.
PRESS RELEASE: Jerome City Police Officer Shot in High Speed …
On 07 February, 2011 at 5:03 pm a Jerome man lead police on a five mile pursuit which resulted in shots fired by the suspect and police. Chris Taylor, 29 YOA, failed to stop for Jerome Police Office Dennis Clark, after Clark attempted to stop him for traffic violations.