What books are shown on the bookshelf in Interstellar?
Apr 14, 2015 · What books are visible on the bookshelf in Interstellar? I could only focus on The Stand, by Stephen King, since it's one of my favorites. But I'd love to see a more complete list.
Who exactly constructed the tesseract room in Interstellar?
Nov 10, 2014 · Interstellar gilds its version of time travel with a lot of chatter about gravity and relativity, but on a pure plot level, this is time travel by way of Terminator. In the first Terminator, John Connor sends his father back in time, so that his father can meet his mother and thus give birth to John Connor.
interstellar - Why can Murph still read the Morse Coded wrist …
May 9, 2017 · And for more on real theories of large extra dimensions, you can read this article or the wiki page, and The Science of Interstellar discusses these models too. For a good extended discussion there's the book Warped Passages by Lisa Randall, one of the physicists behind the Randall-Sundrum model , apparently one of the most popular models of ...
interstellar - How did Murph figure out the identity of her ghost ...
Apr 20, 2015 · interstellar; Share. Improve this question. Follow edited Apr 20, 2015 at 18:35. Johnny. 153 1 1 gold ...
interstellar - How are TARS and CASE powered? - Science Fiction ...
Mar 14, 2018 · I suspect this isn't explained at all, since Interstellar wasn't that kind of sci-fi, but perhaps it was discussed in BTS interviews or the novelization. It's also possible that they are shown recharging on the ship, so if the ship's power source was ever explained that would count. The actual screenplay has the following allusions:
interstellar - What draws the Indian drone and the combines to …
Apr 12, 2015 · Near the beginning of Interstellar, the protagonists harvest an old Indian army surveillance drone that buzzed over their property. Its passage seems random until shortly thereafter when all the huge automatic combines and harvesters in …
interstellar - What happened to Cooper's son? - Science Fiction ...
Jan 4, 2016 · According to the Interstellar wiki entry on him: In the novelization of the film, it is established that when Cooper appears on Cooper Station, Tom had "passed almost two decades ago." (pg. 271) That is the total amount of knowledge of official knowledge that I have found about him, although you're not the only person who wondered.
What software was used for the effects in Interstellar?
Apr 8, 2015 · Double Negative was the primary effects house used for Interstellar. As Richard notes, Double Negative's currently available job listings seems to indicate a fair usage of Maya as their main software package. This, alone, does not necessarily mean that they used Maya during production of Interstellar.
interstellar - What is the significance of Prof. Brand's poem ...
Nov 27, 2014 · In Interstellar, Professor Brand keeps repeating a poem by Dylan Thomas: Do not go gentle into that good night, Old age should burn and rave at close of day; Rage, rage against the dying of the light. Though wise men at their end know dark is right, Because their words had forked no lightning they Do not go gentle into that good night.
Why are the cryo chambers in Interstellar full of liquid?
Oct 4, 2015 · In Interstellar, the occupants of the cryo-sleep chambers are at least partially submerged in a clear, water-like liquid. When Dr Mann is revived, he had the liquid over his mouth but not in his lungs. What would be the reason for this? Could it be easier to regulate the temperature? Is this why they are inside those bags? Does that keep the ...