Vietnam: The Fight for Hill 52 - Bearing Arms
Mar 16, 2010 · Place: Hill 52, just above the village of Ha Nha, on the Song (River) Vu Gia, Thong Duc Corridor, 15 miles SW of Da Nang Vietnam, I Corps. Time: June, 1970.
7th MarinesMap Locator-VietNam-I Corps - marzone.com
Data compiled by utilizing 7th Marine Regiment Command Chronologies,Volumes in the Marine Corps Vietnam Series - Operational History Series, and VIETNAM 1:50,000 Map Series L701 and L7014. Units were rotated at all locations, and the ones that appear on the table were at that particular location during a certain period of time.
Maps & Photos - Common Virtue
Cpl. Willet Amendola, Mortar Squad leader and Vietnamese translator runs up to the main gate of Hill 25, which is located in the southern-center (6 O'Clock) position of the perimeter. David Kiener and and Wayne "Andy" Anderson's MG bunker would have been guarding the entrance here.
Mike Co. VIetnam Maps
By clicking on the map(s) it will load to 1024 X 738 pixels and 658 KB or 786 KB in size. Once loaded, and printed out they will be 10 X 7 inches in size. Map locations were taken from the 7th Marine Regiment and 3rd Battalion, 7th Marine Regiment Command Chronologies. 1965. 1966 -1967 Chu Lai. Hill 237 OP 37can be located at grid BS 512994
Images of VietNam I Corps - marzone.com
In 1966, this small hill was the dominant terrain feature in the 9th Marines TAOR, it was eventually cleared of mines and boody traps. Marine Engineers began construction on 29 March and Hill 55 eventually became the Command Post of the 9th Marine Regiment.
Assault on Hill 25 - marzone.com
On Hill 52, the sight of tracers and sounds of the battle could both be seen and heard, Marines quickly put on their fighting gear, loaded down on ammunition, and prepared to rescue their brothers under attack.
CP on Hill 65 directed combat operations, moved its rear CP to Hill 37 in July. The following month, the regimental headquarters, also located at An Hoa, divided into forward and rear elements...
Vietnam War map: Corps to corps (1968) - Click Americana
May 7, 2019 · Here's a Vietnam War map showing men and weapons in South Vietnam at the start of 1968 -- US / Allied / South Viet / VC-NVA
Mike Co. Stories of Vietnam
Hill 52 was held by First and Third Platoon. Hill 25 was held by Second Platoon. These two hills were located between 2 notorious strongholds of the North Vietnamese Army and the Viet Congs. To the south was Charlie's Ridge. To the north was Arizona Valley. Marines are masters of the understatement. Charlie's Ridge was not a ridge.
Hill Locations - The Significance of Hills in the Vietnam War
There are some hills spread out along the Southeast and partially in the Mekong River Delta as well near where the battles of An Loc, Xuan Loc, and Saigon took place. Also, in the Northeast region, there is a small dispersion of hills located near the Northern Vietnamese capital of Hanoi.