What are high energy photons? - Physics Stack Exchange
Jan 15, 2015 · Thats what we really mean when we talk about high energy photons. By high energy photons we ''usually'' mean gamma photons or X-ray photons . Frequency ,wavelenght,and energy of infrared radiation: Frequencies: .003 - 4 x 1014Hz. Wavelengths: 1 mm - 750 nm. Quantum energies: 0.0012 - 1.65 eV. similarly for visible light. Frequencies: 4 - 7.5 x ...
What's the difference between low energy photons and high …
Dec 18, 2017 · Higher energy photons have shorter wavelengths. This means they are higher frequency. We can look at the equations, like E=h𝜈, and see directly that shorter wavelengths have more energy, but I think you're going to want a more intuitive example.
How do electrons and photons interact? - Physics Stack Exchange
By the term "photon", we refer to an elementary excitation of the field, which is the state with one quantum of energy, i.e. the first Fock state, $$|1\rangle=\hat a^\dagger|0\rangle.$$ You can of course have more than one photon (e.g. a higher number state like $|7\rangle$), or superpositions of different numbers of photons (like $\frac1{\sqrt ...
Why do high energy photons produce particle pairs instead of …
Mar 7, 2022 · This is possible since the incident photon has enough energy to account for the rest energy of the two particles. The likelihood of this happening rather than scattering increases with increased photon energy. Why do high energy photon …
Entropy of photons - Physics Stack Exchange
Jun 25, 2014 · Do low energy photons have greater entropy than high energy photons, or is the entropy of all photons the same (and the relationship between high and low entropy radiation is just a function of the number of photons - i.e. a closed system with more photons has higher entropy than the same sized system with fewer photons, regardless of the ...
Can you create high-energy photons using multiple low-energy …
Aug 13, 2020 · Is it possible to combine two photons of different energies to get a single photon of a higher (combined) energy? (1 answer) Closed 4 years ago .
High speed and low speed photons - Physics Stack Exchange
The animation on the left, talks about low energy photons and high energy photons. And it implies the more energy a photon has the faster it moves. I don't understand the whole light is photons and waves at the same time thing, but I thought the speed of light was constant, that Gamma rays travel at the same speed as visible light, infrared ...
Do nuclei emit photons? - Physics Stack Exchange
Jul 15, 2020 · An incident neutron scatters off the target nucleus and if the incident neutron energy is high enough energy it will leave the target nucleus in an excited state. These states will often decay by emmision of a gamma-ray. The energy level of a nucleus can be determined by measuring the gamma-ray energies.
Are there any theoretical limits on the energy of a photon?
Jan 17, 2015 · Now, in principle, photons should also interact with the CMB, scattering of two photons has already been experimentally confirmed. There are reference frames in which CMB photons have (nearly) arbitrarily high energies, and so one would expect pair production from extremely high energy gamma rays.
Does Loop Quantum Gravity predict that high-energy photons or …
Jun 30, 2021 · The idea is that these high-energy photons, with their short wavelengths, might interact with this "grainy" structure of spacetime, and as a result, they could be slowed down a little. In contrast, low-energy photons with longer wavelengths, like radio waves, are too "big" to notice the fine structure of spacetime, so they would keep traveling ...