Gordon Ryan talks about losing the silver #gordonryan #haircut
23.8K Likes, 259 Comments. TikTok video from MacLifeOfficial (@maclifeofficial): “Gordon Ryan talks about losing the silver #gordonryan #haircut #silver”. Gordon Ryan. Gordon Ryan talks the HAIRCUToriginal sound - MacLifeOfficial.
Gordon Ryan: ‘I shaved the silver beard and have this atrocious ...
Dec 10, 2023 · Gordon Ryan talks about training with Jon Jones, and the loss of silver beard and hair.
Gordon Ryan shows off new hair cut - YouTube
#jujitsu #jiujitsulifestyle #bjj #jiujitsu #texas #trending
Why Gordon Ryan cut his Hair Off #shorts - YouTube
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Gordon Ryan off the sauzool transformation : r/moreplatesmoredates - Reddit
May 31, 2023 · This almost looks like an extreme example of pump + good lighting + shaved body hair vs bad lighting + no flexing/pump + after a cheat day.
Gordon Ryan - BJJ Heroes
Apr 19, 2016 · Gordon Ryan is a New Jersey (USA) born grappler and member of the well-known group – Danaher Death Squad (DDS), known particularly in jiu-jitsu‘s no-gi and submission-only circuit where he beat big names of the sport such as …
UPDATED: Gordon Ryan's Amazing Physical Transformation, In Photos
May 12, 2017 · Gordon Ryan's amazing physical transformation has had many members of the jiu-jitsu community asking, "how was that possible?". Many believed that Ryan was a skinny lightweight all along, but the truth is quite different. Standing …
BJJ star Gordon Ryan explains why he’s not making MMA
When submission grappling superstar Gordon Ryan signed with ONE Championship in 2021, fans were intrigued. Many were curious about how “The King” would fare
A list of interesting Gordon Ryan Facts - BjjTribes
Apr 14, 2021 · Gordon Ryan is known as the greatest ever nogi BJJ athlete. However, due to his interesting personality he is also well known outside of grappling. Because of this, he has earned a loyal fan base over the years and in general, people like to pay attention to his persona.
Gordon Ryan - 27 years old?! - UK-Muscle.co.uk Forum
Feb 21, 2023 · What’s surprised me is just how much it has aged him. Doesn’t help that he’s dyed his hair and beard grey…couldn’t believe when I found out he’s only 27! Dude looks 45 Fair play, he’s certainly at the top of his game. 18 month transformation :