Auron - Final Fantasy Wiki
Auron has a scar on the right half of his face over his eye, which remains shut as a result. His left eye is amber, and he wears black sunglasses. On his right hip, Auron carries a jug with the word "Nog" written on it (in Spiran script), a term used to describe some beverages, including rum.
Why does Auron wear his sunglasses in-doors? - Final Fantasy X …
Looking too deep into his eyes gives away the fact they're empty eyesockets with magical fireflies floating around in them. Maybe they're prescription and yunalesca threw his normal glasses...
How did Auron lose his eye? - Final Fantasy X / X-2 HD …
Actually, I think you're right here, about his eye being permanently closed and how the scarring occurs. You see that his sword flies back through the air and you hear the blade pierce into...
Auron (Character) - Giant Bomb
There is a large scar over his right eye which is always shut and his left eye is amber in colour. On his hip, he carries a jug with the word ‘Nog’ scrolled on it in Spiran which is used to describe rum.
FFX Auron: The Fan's Ultimate Guide - HubPages
A gruff, mysterious, formidable warrior, Sir Auron of Final Fantasy X keeps his secrets. By combining hints dropped in FFX game dialog with details from the Japanese-only Final Fantasy X Ultimania Guides by Square-Enix,* we can learn more about Auron than ever before.
What's The Deal With Auron's Left Arm and The Scar On His Rigth Eye …
Jul 6, 2004 · Auron, in a rage, went back to Yunalesca, I think knowing that what he had just went through was in vain. He attacked her, and she struck back. He was mortally wounded, and he made his way back to Mt. Gagazet where he found Kimari.
What does it take to beat One Eye? - Final Fantasy X / X-2
Anima's Oblivion usually can multiple shots One-Eye with her OD and kill him right away after being hit by your party several times before the summoning. After finishing the battle, set...
Auron - Character Profile Wikia | Fandom
Auron is one of the main characters from Square Enix's Final Fantasy X. When he was a young man, Auron was a high-ranking warrior monk from Bevelle who was highly respected by the clergy. However, this changed when he refused to marry the daughter of a high priest.
Auron's Appearance :: FINAL FANTASY X/X-2 HD Remaster …
Sep 26, 2021 · Since Auron is an unsent, he has no real body. It's just a creation formed of pyreflies and his own will, so it's not surprising that he could alter how he looks. If he wants to keep the fact that he's unsent a secret, it would make sense that he makes sure to look older than did a decade ago.
Auron - Final Fantasy X - Grizzled ronin - Character profile
He typically wears the overcoat closed with his left arm resting just above the belt. He wears a black leather glove on his right hand and black sunglasses that partially hide the scar over his left eye.