Emmcdl_GUI - 4PDA
Emmcdl_GUI | Оболочка консольной программы emmcdl.exe
Еще один способ достать данные с Qualcomm, и не только...
Apr 24, 2018 · Билды под Windows можно найти в сети или на 4PDA, в теме "Общие принципы восстановления загрузчиков на Qualcomm". Для работы программы с определенным устройством необходим подписанный производителем менеджер загрузки - файл prog_emmc_firehose_xxxx.mbn в каталоге с RAW прошивкой к устройству.
EDL Flashing Xiaomi (Qualcomm) devices : r/SuchareksGuides - Reddit
Jun 23, 2024 · We will use a tool called emmcdl. Later we might use MiFlash or QFIL. Of course, you need drivers. Download them here. Now the most important part. The firehose file. This file allows your computer to communicate with the phone. But Xiaomi locks them down, so they can earn money per flash.
[Guide] How to flash the Open Market FFU for the IDOL4s Open …
Dec 8, 2017 · The following directions assume you are running Windows 10 Creators update on the PC you are flashing from. If you need assistance downloading or installing the Qualcomm HS-USB QDLoader 9008 drivers you will need to look on the internet or search XDA forums.
Windows scripts to backup/restore partitions in EDL mode (locked ...
Jun 11, 2016 · I have created a set of Windows scripts (.cmd files) to backup/restore selected partitions via emmcdl utility (a part of android-host-knife project). Tested on RN3P but may be used with other Qualcomm-based devices. emmcdl uses "firehose" module to interact with device's eMMC in 9008
Flashing TWRP (and more) using emmcdl (Linux/Win)
Jul 3, 2018 · emmcdl (or more modern and maintained edl tool) should be able to flash any qcom device for which you have a suitable "flash programmer" file.
Emmcdl_GUI - 4PDA
Mar 22, 2021 · emmcdl довольно древняя программа. Тем более у вас не исходники, а веб-формы для скомпилированного экзешника. Может вообще лучше переписать на qsaharaserver и fh_loader?
eMMC DL Tool V5.2.0R – (all versions) for Windows - Best Flash File
eMMC DL Tool is a simple Windows application to install or flash the stock firmware (ROM) on a Qualcomm chipset-based smartphone or tablet. Here, you can get the latest versions of the eMMC DL Tool and all the old versions. Also, we have provided instructions on how to use it.
Android EDL mode commands - Stack Overflow
Oct 6, 2016 · To handle the phone in edl mode (download mode) we can use. tools from qualcomm. Also you can run some commands with emmcdl a qualcomm tool also. https://forum.xda-developers.com/windows-10-mobile/create-rawprogram0-xml-ffu-file-extract-t3385201. https://github.com/binsys/emmcdl/
emmcdl.exe | by Romman for Generic Device/Other - Android File …
Feb 15, 2019 · Download GApps, Roms, Kernels, Themes, Firmware, and more. Free file hosting for all Android developers.