Cast Do's and Don'ts: Care for Fiberglass and Plaster Casts - WebMD
Mar 10, 2024 · If you need a cast for a broken arm, to mend after knee surgery, or for another injury, you may wear it for several weeks or months. The cast keeps your bone or joint from moving so it can...
Casts: Types & Care - Cleveland Clinic
Aug 11, 2023 · Casts hold an injured part of your body in place, especially while you’re healing after a bone fracture. They’re either fiberglass or plaster. You may need surgery to realign your bone before a healthcare provider puts a cast on. Arm and wrist casts are usually made of fiberglass. You might even be able to choose a color. What is a cast?
Care of Casts and Splints - OrthoInfo - AAOS
The splint or cast must fit the shape of the injured arm or leg correctly to provide the best possible support. Generally, the splint or cast also covers the joint above and below the broken bone. In many cases, a splint is applied to a fresh injury first.
When Should Cast Discomfort Be A Concern? - Summit Orthopedics
May 9, 2014 · Elevate the injured arm or leg. Position the injured limb above your heart, using pillows or other support. Elevation encourages fluids to drain out of the limb, easing swelling. Ice your splint or cast—it’s fine to do this while your limb is elevated.
How to Workout When Your Arm Is in a Cast/brace
Whether you’ve broken a bone or undergone reconstructive surgery on your elbow, hand, or shoulder, when your arm is in a cast due to sports injuries, your workouts are a challenge. But even if you’re not an athlete, it’s essential to stay active as your arm heals. Keeping the rest of your body healthy and strong helps your arm recover, too.
What to expect when you get a cast | St. Charles Health - The Center
Casts are used to protect and immobilize bones and joints in order to support injured limbs while they heal. Although casts can feel awkward at first, they play a big role in how fast your injury can heal. Here’s what to expect from your time spent in a cast.
Arm Cast and Splint Care - American Society for Surgery of the Hand
Splints and casts are supports that are used to protect injured bones and soft tissues. An arm cast completely encircles the limb with a hard, rigid outer shell (Figures 1 and 2). A splint provides rigid support along just a portion of the limb, with soft or open areas in between (Figures 3 and 4).
Cast Care 101: 10 Tips for Surviving Discomfort - Chester …
Casts are made with plaster or fiberglass for the sturdiness to support your bones, torn ligaments or tendons, or other tissues as they heal. Underneath the shell of the cast is padding and cotton, which act as a protective layer for your skin.
How to Apply a Cast to a Broken Arm: 14 Steps (with Pictures) - wikiHow
Mar 10, 2025 · Fortunately, your doctor can apply a cast to help your bone heal properly. Recognize a broken arm. Broken arms will usually be very easy to identify. If you think you or your child has a broken arm, go immediately to the emergency room so it can be treated. Symptoms include: [3] Make the person as comfortable as possible on the way to the hospital.
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How do I take care of my cast or splint? You must protect your cast from damage so it can protect your injury while it heals. If you have broken your foot or leg, you will probably get crutches to help you walk. A sling will help support your cast or splint if it is on your arm. Keep your splint or cast dry. Moisture can