20 things to see on the Moon: An observer’s guide to lunar names
Jul 9, 2024 · This bright, white spot can be found by following the northward arc of the craters Picard, Pierce, and Swift on the western side of Crisium.
Tycho Crater on the Moon (Labeled) - NASA Science
Jan 30, 2019 · Tycho Crater is one of the most prominent craters on the Moon. It appears as a bright spot in the southern highlands with rays of bright material that stretch across much of …
Bad Astronomy | A bright spot on the Moon | SYFY WIRE
Aug 14, 2018 · It’s one of the brightest spots on the Moon; it stands out spectacularly as a shiny-looking point contrasting with the much darker (and far vaster) Oceanus Procellarum. The …
Transient lunar phenomenon - Wikipedia
A photograph made on August 26, 1898, through the équatorial coudé, shows bowl-shaped craterlet Posidonius C on the floor of crater Posidonius as a bright spot without shadow, …
The Top Five Features To Find On The Full Moon - Forbes
Nov 14, 2016 · Visible as the bright spot amidst the dark maria, Copernicus, at 107 km in diameter, offers the greatest visual contrast of any lunar crater to human eyes.
What are all the white dots on the moon? - Cloudy Nights
Dec 27, 2023 · There is also a very bright spot within Schikard, which is a volcanic dome feature an likely one of the last eruptions within this crater. The second sketch shows the trio of large …
Aristarchus: The Brightest Spot on the Moon | Andrew Planck
Sep 26, 2016 · Aristarchus is the brightest spot on the Moon and is so bright that Sir William Herschel mistook it for an erupting volcano.
Bright spots on our moon could be frost, says NASA - New Atlas
May 31, 2017 · Analyzing data from NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter, researchers have spotted bright areas on our moon which, they say, are likely being caused by frost. If they're …
Cassini's Bright Spot - The Moon
According to former Sky and Telescope columnist Stephen James O’Meara, Cassini’s Bright Spot is readily visible to the unaided eye (at least for those with good eyesight) as “an intense …
Moon dog - Wikipedia
A moon dog (or moondog) or mock moon, also called a paraselene [1] (plural paraselenae) in meteorology, is an atmospheric optical phenomenon that consists of a bright spot to one or …