Auron's Jug (FFX) - Final Fantasy Brave Exvius Wiki
In Spira, an exemplary swordsman who once served as the guardian of a summoner is said to have perpetually carried this bottle on his waist. Type: Accessory Stats...
Auron - Final Fantasy Wiki
Auron [ˈɔː.ɹən] is a playable character in Final Fantasy X. He is a former warrior monk of Yevon, a guardian of Summoner Braska, and Tidus 's caretaker. Auron watches over Tidus while concealing his mysterious past tying him into the stories of Braska and Tidus's father Jecht.
Auron's a drunk, i just thought it was funny...anyone else agree ...
You'll also note that the arm-in-sleeve and sake jug were present in the various Jecht spheres, when Braska, his supposed "master", was still around. It is undisputable that Auron was _modeled_...
Auron - Characters — MyFigureCollection.net
On his right hip, Auron carries a jug with the word "Nog" written on it (in Spiran script), a term used to describe a number of beverages including rum. The drink is featured in two of his Overdrives: when executing Banishing Blade, Auron takes a drink and spits it on the blade, and when using Tornado, Auron hurls the jug into the cyclone to ...
What is with that jug Auron always drinks out of... - Final Fantasy X
Aug 16, 2003 · Auron is very much like Ronin, which is a Samurai without a master. His style is very Ronin like and the jug on his hip also fits the description.
i've never understood what's the deal with that bottle Auron lifts …
Feb 16, 2023 · Auron is a former warrior monk of Yevon. In Japan monks used to brew sake and the bottle on his hip is modeled after a traditional sake jug. Auron is also based on the traditional Japanese samurai and sake had a special place in their code, Bushido, which his …
Auron - Character Profile Wikia | Fandom
Banishing Blade: Auron takes a sip from his jug, and readies the latent powers of his sword, before unleashing them in a swing.
Auron's Appearance :: FINAL FANTASY X/X-2 HD Remaster …
Sep 26, 2021 · The jug of booze is part of that look, too. The sunglasses are partly just because it's cool I guess, but it might also be something he's picked up in Zanarkand so it's a nod to his time there. As for his aged appearance...
Auron's flask - Final Fantasy X - GameFAQs
It's a jug, of nog, which is just a bunch of different alchohols mixed together. Yes but what type of jug is it? Nobody cares what games you are currently playing. It's Auron's jug, that's...
Auron's Jug is pretty neat. : r/FFRecordKeeper - Reddit
Aug 3, 2018 · 31 votes, 20 comments. The accessory reward "Auron's Jug" was the extra poison resist accessory I was missing to help my FFT neo torment clear run a…