Deck Ledger Bolts by the Code - Fine Homebuilding
Table R502.2.2.1 has three options: ½ in. bolt, ½ in. lag screw and ½ in. bolt with the ledger spaced off the wall sheathing by ½ in. for those who like the flow-through design. (see photo) [NOTE: The 2012 IRC – 2018 IRC all have the same table. The only change is in the footnotes.]
Precise location of foundation bolts - Fine Homebuilding
Jul 1, 2002 · Put the bolt through the lumber, thread on a nut, and nail the board to the form. (I use this method often for locating bolts in slabs with 2x forms.) This method of locating anchor bolts is fast and effective, but because the board is nailed to the tops of the forms, the method works best if the forms are being filled close to the top.
Ancore Bolts (How far apart?) - Fine Homebuilding
Jun 22, 2007 · The 2009 IRC (403.1.6) says that anchor bolts can be no more than 6'-0" O.C. There must be a minimum of 2 bolts per plate section and they must be within 12" of the end of the wall. The engineers I have worked with in the pacific northwest always spec out 32" O.C. for regular house construction and now the cities are requiring a 2" square washer.
I have 1 5/8 effective embedment, and 2 3/4 anchor spacing f...
I have 1 5/8 effective embedment, and 2 3/4 anchor spacing for 1/2 dia kwick bolt tz. Is it acceptable?
Ledger bolt spacing - Fine Homebuilding
Feb 16, 2001 · *JimL-Yes it is called out and shown as follows-Ledger to be same size as joist,min.2x6.Attach to existing rim joist with 2 rows of 3/8"x6" lag bolts and washers spaced at 6" on center and staggered as shown.Two top bolts 6"on center one bottom bolt at bottom between two top bolts.This is developed in cooperation with City of Kirkland,Bellevue,Redmond,and Issaquah.This equates to six bolts per ...
How to Fasten a Deck Ledger to Concrete - Fine Homebuilding
In this episode we show you how to lay out the ledger fasteners, anchor the ledger to the concrete foundation using a hammer drill and wedge anchors, and how to detail the ledger when it must be installed over basement windows. Read the related articles: Frame a Grade-Level Deck. The Complete Guide to Building a Hardwood Deck
Mudsills: Where the Framing Meets the Foundation
Sep 1, 2003 · Local code requires an anchor bolt within 12 in. of the end of mudsills or of any joints. Marking the bolt centers on the mudsills for drilling is next. It’s as simple as laying the mudsill alongside the chalkline on top of the foundation, measuring from the chalkline to the center of the bolt, and transferring the measurement to the top of ...
How to Space the Deck Ledger Off the Wall - Fine Homebuilding
Spacing ledgers off the wall has been a code-accepted practice since the 2009 when the International Residential Code (IRC) included a prescriptive ledger fastening table for ½ in. lag screws and machine bolts. The table includes ½ in. bolt spacing when the ledger is spaced away from the wall sheathing using stacks of washers.
How to Set Anchor Bolts in Concrete Piers - Fine Homebuilding
The trick is simply to thread the nut on before you set the anchor bolt, at which point the nut become a depth indicator. I’ve got the right amount, and I’m ready to set the bolt. Eyeball the center of the pier, and jiggle the anchor bolt up and down to help the concrete flow around the bolt and not leave a void, do some fine tuning with a ...
What?! No re-bar in foundation wall! - Fine Homebuilding
Jan 3, 1999 · The J-bolts have to hook under the top most horizontal bars which are doubled #5 bar. Anchor bolt spacing has to 32″ oc. What building code prevails along the Eastern seaboard? Any comments on how others do foundation walls are welcome. Elwood, Layton, Utah