M1 mortar - Wikipedia
The M1 mortar is an American 81 millimeter caliber mortar. It was based on the French Brandt mortar. The M1 mortar was used from before World War II until the 1950s when it was replaced by the lighter and longer ranged M29 mortar.
81 mm mortar - Wikipedia
An 81-mm mortar is a medium-weight mortar. It is a smooth-bore , muzzle-loading , high-angle-of-fire weapon used for long-range indirect fire support of light infantry , air assault , and airborne units across the entire front of a battalion zone of influence.
M252 mortar - Wikipedia
The M252 81 mm medium weight mortar is a British-designed smooth bore, muzzle-loading, high-angle-of-fire weapon used for long-range indirect fire support to light infantry, air assault, and airborne units across the entire front of a battalion zone of influence.
U.S. Mortars of World War II
Dec 8, 2017 · Moving up in size and weight, we fired the 81 mm M1 mortar next, but the space constraints at Beaver Valley Rifle and Pistol Club prevented us from realizing that weapon’s full range potential.
WW2 US mortar production info, 60mm/81mm - 1919 A4 Forums
May 11, 2014 · Regardless, the first contract for 81mm mortars was given to the Pullman Standard Car Manufacturing Company in 1940. 81mm production experienced fewer issues, and was fairly steady as the war went on. Production was probably around 40,000 mortars total.
World War 2 In Review: M1 Mortar (US)
Feb 13, 2025 · The M1 mortar is an American 81 millimeter caliber mortar. It was based on the French Brandt mortar. The M1 mortar was used from before World War II until the 1950s when it was replaced by the lighter and longer ranged M29 mortar. General Data. Type: Infantry mortar. Place of origin: United States. In service: 1935–1952. Used by: United ...
M29, 81mm Mortar: Photos, History, Specification
In 1952, the US government replaced the standard WWII/Korea 81mm Army and Marine Corps service mortar - M1 - with a newer design M29. The "straight-tube" M29 was chosen for two reasons: longer range than their predecessors, while being lighter to maximize portability.
Mortar, 81mm M1 81mm Medium Infantry Mortar - Military Factory
Feb 4, 2019 · The American M1 81mm Mortar, like the upcoming M2 60mm Mortar, was based on a French design by Edgar William Brandt (1880-1960). The M1 was a derivative of the French mle 27/31 system (itself an improved form of the Stokes Trench Mortar of World War 1 fame) and slightly altered to suit American needs.
81 mm M1 Mortar - D-Day Overlord
The M1 81 mm Mortar can fire several types of shells to obtain three different effects: destruction with explosive and incendiary shells, blindness with smoke bombs and illumination with illuminating shells.
Armaments Innovation - The Over-Under Mortar/Machine Gun
The Mk 2 Mod 1 81-mm mortar was an unconventional weapon for an unconventional war. The unusual system combined two different weapons, both well known to the U.S. Marine Corps and the Army: the 81-mm mortar and the ubiquitous Browning M2 …