Friday marks the start of fish fry Fridays for the Lenten season. Churches, clubs, fire departments, and others host them for ...
VATICAN CITY (AP) — Pope Francis was resting Wednesday, the start of the solemn Lenten period leading up to Holy Week ...
The season lasts for 40 days, ending during Holy Week, the final week before Easter. In the Roman Catholic Church, Lent ends ...
Today is Ash Wednesday, the start of the Lenten Season in Catholicism, one of the most religious seasons in the Catholic ...
The season of Lent for Western Catholics began on Ash Wednesday, March 5; for Eastern Rite Catholics, Lent began on Clean ...
Mother Angelica, the foundress of EWTN, explained that Ash Wednesday is an invitation to consider the end of our lives and ...
In a few days, Christians will begin practicing the 40-day season of prayer, fasting and giving, known as Lent. The period is ...
Several organizations and churches in Kansas City area hold traditional fish fry meals during the Lent season, a ...
Many Christians throughout the area observed Ash Wednesday, including those at St. Michael Catholic Church in Vienna.