Supporters of the Mason City Family YMCA have been working to raise funds to pay the final balloon payment of the mortgage of the building, constructed in 2000 and opened in 2001. "In Scotland ...
HOLYOKE, Mass. (WWLP) – In honor of women’s history month, the Greater Holyoke YMCA hosted a panel discussion with women leaders who are positively impacting the community. This event ...
The Citrus Memorial Health Foundation YMCA celebrated our annual Community Impact Celebration on Feb. 27 at the Black Diamond Ranch. More than 230 of our supporters were in attendance. A special event ...
The St. Joseph Downtown Rotary Club is giving the YMCA School Age Childcare Program a small grant to fund the anti-bullying program.
On Thursday a full house of community leaders, dignitaries, and YMCA supporters gathered at Black Diamond Ranch for the Citrus Memorial Health Foundation YMCA Annual Community Giving Event. This ...
WENATCHEE — Two local nonprofits, the Wenatchee Valley YMCA and Pybus Public Market, received grant awards from the Chelan Douglas Regional Port Authority. On Feb. 25, CDRPA board commissioners heard ...
The Missoula YMCA recently announced it is launching new STEM and art-focused technology-based summer camps on the University of Montana campus this year. The nine camps, each a week long and ...
BRAZIL, Ind. (WTWO/WAWV)— Grab your paddles because the Clay County YMCA hosted an intro to pickleball class. Pickleball is a game resembling tennis in which players use rackets or paddles to ...
Officials from the YMCA of the Iowa Mississippi Valley and the city of LeClaire outlined their plans during a news conference on Tuesday for the new recreation facility. It'll be similar to the ...