Putin Won
Historians like to play a parlor game called periodization, in which they attempt to define an era, often by identifying it ...
Regardless of whether one believes the conspiracy theory that Donald Trump is a Russian asset, Americans need to rise up and ...
President Trump has turned the history of the Western world upside down by luring Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky into ...
Sadly, our president and vice president lack knowledge of World War II history. Appeasement doesn’t work. British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain ...
The fight is by no means over, with the head of the E.U. Commission announcing plans to strengthen Europe’s defense industry and drastically increase military capabilities.
The end goal: force Ukraine to the negotiation table with no security guarantees included in a “deal” with Vladimir Putin. Four things will come out of an emboldened Russia now: more air raids on ...
Michael McFaul, ambassador to Russia during the Obama administration, harshly criticized Donald Trump's actions on the Russia ...
President Trump turned on Volodymyr Zelensky because he wants to take credit for ending the conflict as a talking point ...
H itler regretted the deal he made with Neville Chamberlain at Munich in 1938. What he actually wanted was war—his goal was to conquer all of Czechoslovakia by force as a first step toward the ...
Vladimir Putin has been spotted ... tensions on the international stage. Like Putin, who is wanted by the International Criminal Court for war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide in ...
Advisers to the Russian leader have been surprised by the sudden change in tone from the White House in recent weeks.