In late February, Garmin signed a five-year lease for a 184,400-square-foot space in I-35 Logistics Park Building II at 15800 ...
Needham-based company Clinton Real Estate Development LLC plans to build the businesses, along with two others, at 830-894 Main St. in Clinton after tearing down the abandoned warehouse that currently ...
Kenco has leased a 641,900 square-foot distribution warehouse in Buckeye, west of Phoenix, from landlord EQT Exeter for ...
George said Monday they have a tentative agreement to purchase the valley property, contingent on what they learn at Thursday’s meeting. He also wouldn’t rule out the possibility of buying the whole ...
Companies like Amazon, for example, have deployed over 750,000 AI-powered robots across their warehouses. These robots make ...
Plans for a new warehouse have been announced for a site on Stamford's Hamilton Avenue that used to be a studio for World ...
So far, Benderson Development has put about $60 million into the project, not including land value, to create a product ...
A developer behind a proposal to demolish a Clinton warehouse and replace it with three retail buildings and a gas station ...
Information from someone who lives and works in the area, online transcripts from the public meetings and public reports, ...
A South Jersey lawmaker has introduced a bill to keep all warehouses in N.J. at least 1,000 feet away from historic districts, landmarks and buildings.
Firefighters in the Peruvian capital, Lima, say a blaze that started on Monday in an old neighborhood is still out of control and has caused the collapse of four buildings ...
The blaze originated in a tin shed jhut warehouse owned by Md Sharif, located in the Pobnartek area of Ashulia's Jamgora ...