The analysis revealed that the first piece of debris contained uranium and zirconium, a metal used in the cladding that encases fuel rods. JAEA said the debris was formed from melted nuclear fuel ...
Since the construction of the first commercial light water nuclear power plants (LWR) the design of their fuel rods hasn’t changed significantly. Mechanically robust and corrosion-resistant ...
Nuclear waste is spread across 94 different nuclear sites in the U.S. and has no permanent home. Big Tech is going to add more to the pile.
Enron, the scandalous energy company that went bust in 2001, has just announced the creation of its at-home nuclear reactor, ...
Nuclear waste. We've all heard about it ... Dry Cask Storage of Spent Fuel After the fuel rods have cooled in the containment pools, they are moved into dry cask storage for about 10 years.
TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — Construction crews in New Taipei broke ground on a facility that will be used to store spent nuclear ...
Enron, a company that has had a satirical resurrection, unveiled the "Enron Egg," a parody product, on Monday.
To make that possible, the company says it will need to separate (reprocess) the SNF into four streams: zircaloy cladding from fuel rods, uranium isotopes (U238, U235, U236, U234, and trace ...