Minuman berbasis cincau hitam atau cincau hijau yang dicampur dengan santan dan gula merah cair. Es cincau dikenal sebagai ...
A new study claims replacing animal products with plant-based foods like soy milk and vegan meat that are ultra-processed, ...
Nondairy milks offer great vegan alternatives to regular cow's milk, but their nutritional value varies. Some are going to ...
We haven’t had the chance to try these recently, but these milky beverages definitely belong among the ranks of the cleanest ...
Berikut adalah sejumlah manfaat susu kedelai untuk ibu hamil serta penjelasan cara memilih susu kedelai yang baik untuk ...
Produk buatan CV Berkah Alam Gemolong Sragen dapat dikonsumsi oleh penderita asam lambung. Susu ini mengandung ekstrak gamat, ...
These days, you can find alternatives for nearly every dairy product like milk, cheese, yogurt and ice cream. Plant milks, ...
I am confused by advice regarding dairy versus soya products. Is it better to drink organic semi-skimmed milk, which contains natural vitamins and minerals, or to drink soy milk, which is ...
Sagar Soya Products Ltd. key Products/Revenue Segments include for the year ending 31-Mar-2024.For the quarter ended 31-12-2024, the company has reported a Standalone Total Income of Rs .02 Crore, ...
Milk of magnesia is an over-the-counter (OTC) treatment for constipation. It works by drawing water into the bowel and softening stool, making passing easier. It can also soothe indigestion and ...
Some people believe you should avoid consuming milk and other dairy products when you have a cold or sore throat because they create mucus that can make symptoms worse. To date, the evidence ...