European leaders at an emergency meeting in Paris Monday were divided on how to respond to US President Donald Trump's dramatic policy shift on Ukraine, with France and Britain pushing for ...
Social work is serious, life-changing business. It calls for good hearts and strong minds. What do social workers do? Where there’s a need, we’re there; wherever society is squeezed or stretched, we ...
Social workers are dedicated to helping people improve their lives. Students at the Anne and Henry Zarrow School of Social Work learn the skills needed to work with individuals, families, groups, ...
We are here to lead. The Anne and Henry Zarrow School of Social Work Program for Continuing Education seeks to provide high quality continuing education events to Oklahoma social workers. We have ...
A rapidly changing global landscape raises fundamental issues about the relationship between individuals and society. The interdisciplinary Social Sciences BSc at UCL offers opportunities to engage ...
If you're 18 to 35 (18 to 30 in some countries), come work and travel in Canada through International Experience Canada (IEC)! It's a government program designed to help you gain valuable ...
Welcome to the Department of Social Work! We offer the Bachelor of Science Programme in Social Work, which has one of the highest numbers of applicants in Sweden. Studies in social work focus on ...
Other requirements may apply, check Australia’s website for more details. No, you don’t need a job offer (prearranged contract of employment) or a formal internship offer. In most cases, you can work ...