We also offer an Archaeology BA. The BSc differs from the BA, with optional modules concentrating on the scientific analysis of findings. The Institute of Archaeology was founded in 1937 as a centre ...
Prairie Harm Reduction warns of potential bad drug batch circulating Saskatoon Aishwarya Dudha is a reporter for CBC Saskatchewan based in Saskatoon. She specializes in immigration, justice and ...
After two unsuccessful challenges in Saskatchewan courtrooms, agriculture company Achter Land & Cattle Ltd. is headed to the Supreme Court. In December, the court of appeal upheld a 2023 Court of ...
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Adun Ba’kelalan, Baru Bian berkata larangan itu boleh ditarik balik sekiranya Zakir Naik memohon maaf dan berjanji tidak mengeluarkan kenyataan berunsur provokasi. Seorang Adun Sarawak mahu ...
Ba’kelalan assemblyman Baru Bian said the ban should only be lifted if Dr Zakir Naik apologises and pledges not to repeat inflammatory remarks. A Sarawak assemblyman wants Putrajaya to reinstate ...
For the freshest news, join The Borneo Post's Telegram Channel and The Borneo Post on Newswav.
Baru Bian yang bertanding atas tiket Parti Sarawak Bersatu (PSB) memperoleh 2,687 undi menewaskan pencabar terdekatnya Sam Laya dari Gabungan Parti Sarawak (GPS) dengan majoriti 680 undi. Polis ...
In Ba’kelalan, where RAS has operated since the 1960s, air services remain indispensable for transporting goods, responding to emergencies, and connecting isolated villages. “It was amazing that many ...
Di Ba’kelalan, di mana RAS telah beroperasi sejak tahun 1960-an, perkhidmatan udara masih menjadi keperluan utama untuk mengangkut barangan, menangani kecemasan, dan menghubungkan kampung-kampung ...
“This allocation includes plans to develop cities bordering Kalimantan, Indonesia, such as Kalabakan, Sabah, and Ba’kelalan, Sarawak, at a cost of RM1 billion as a step to closely follow the Indonesia ...