The show, which debuted in 2004, was one of the first shows that was ever described as "bingable" and with good reasons, the ...
The TV presenter died on Tuesday, with his family announcing his death on Wednesday. "In his final days, Simon was surrounded by his family and a mix of journalists, writers, actors, political ...
Picture: Supplied Townsend hosted children’s entertainment TV show Wonder World, which ran between 1979 and 1987 and won five Logie Awards. “Simon often found himself in a stoush with ...
Townsend made TV history and entertainned millions of children when he hosted the television show Wonder World. The popular series ran from 1979 to 1987 and won five Logie Awards for Most Popular ...
Townsend was known for ending every episode of his show with a heartwarming farewell, saying: 'And remember, the world really is wonderful!' Prior to his pioneering career in children's TV ...
Townsend got his start in Australian television from 1970 and worked as a reporter for ABC's This Day Tonight. After Wonder World, he created more TV shows, board games, TV lotteries, produced ...