During World War II, men, women and children were transported from across Europe to Auschwitz-Birkenau, horrendous journeys ...
However, in the late 1950s, the US Air Force moved out. Today, the site is mostly used for farming, while a section is taken ...
As we reach this week’s International Holocaust Remembrance Day commemorating the 80th anniversary of the liberation of ...
Descendants of survivors helped researchers identify 279 deportees and tell their stories. ‘We give previously faceless victims a voice,’ says project’s co-founder.
Auschwitz-Birkenau was the largest Nazi German extermination camp during the Nazi era. At least 1.1 million people were ...
On a frosty Polish winter evening, 96-year-old Esther Senot told the 100 or so shivering students at Auschwitz-Birkenau how ...
A Sydney radio station is being investigated by the media regulator after a number of complaints were made about anti-Israel ...
A Holocaust survivor who lived through four concentration camps as a young boy will return to Auschwitz to mark 80 years ...
Australia’s peak Jewish body has warned of the danger of repeated anti-Semitic attacks going unpunished, as yet another ...
The main observances take place at the site in southern Poland where Nazi Germany murdered over a million people ...