Moonlit Farewell, an action platformer Metroidvania developed by Bombservice. Players will embark on a new installment in the franchise as Momo takes off on a divine mission to save the people of Koho ...
“While Moonlit Farewell was the final chapter for the Momodora series, it’s been an absolute pleasure to continue adding content and reach new audiences on consoles,” said rdein, Founder of ...
Publisher PLAYISM and developer Bombservice will release the PlayStation 5, Xbox Series, and Switch versions of Metroidvania game Momodora: Moonlit Farewell on February 6, the companies announced.
Moonlight paragliding is an unforgettable adventure under the night sky, lit by the harvest moon. This experience mixes the ...
Publisher PLAYISM and developer Bombservice announced the Metroidvania game, Momodora: Moonlit Farewell, will launch for the PlayStation 5, [...] ...