Discover the path to salvation through grace and faith, and learn how to imitate God's example in daily life. Follow God's will and seek His will for your life.
In the Old Testament we find a similar command in Deuteronomy 6:5-6, “And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thine ...
Meet the reviewer SunGod Miras: first impressions  Unlike some other styles from SunGod, which are built for specific ...
And a sinister-looking Emily Watson doesn't hurt in setting the tone either. The official synopsis for Small Things Like These reads as follows: "Oscar winner Cillian Murphy delivers a stunning ...
You look lower than an earthworm at the bottom of the Mariana Trench.” “Oh, I’m just feeling like a peanut — worthless and unimportant,” Vicki answered. “Hey, nobody is unimportant, and peanuts aren’t ...
Through small and simple acts of kindness and love, individuals become 'flecks of gold to an often-troubled world,' Elder Kearon taught during a BYU devotional.
The newest apostle of the Church of Jesus Christ played a joke on BYU students, laughed with them and invited them to become ...