The mathematics behind artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) rely on linear algebra, calculus, probability, ...
How do you calculate the area of a rhombus? That phrase is what you call a micro-horror story, folks.  Even hearing it at the age of 34, it gives me chills (forgive me for a little drama). I can still ...
Specialization is for insects.” So, in the interest of not being insects, here are my top-five physics equations you should know. 1. Newton’s Second Law I’m sure you've seen this one before ...
dae-cpp is a cross-platform, header-only C++17 library for solving stiff systems of DAEs (an initial value problem). DAE systems can contain both differential and algebraic equations and can be ...
The Burnsville-Eagan-Savage School District’s mission is to make students “real world ready,” and by offering more college-level courses at Burnsville High School (BHS), they hope to do just ...
Math students at Indus High School are solving linear equations and graphing ordered pairs of points on a life-sized Cartesian plane. The grid is composed of nearly 10,000 poplar trees, planted in ...