DAKAR, Senegal (AP) — Interpol arrested 1,006 suspects in Africa during a massive two-month operation, clamping down on cybercrime that left tens of thousands of victims, including some who were ...
La lutte contre la criminalité financière et la corruption en Afrique prend un tournant décisif. La Banque africaine de ...
Le Groupe de la Banque africaine de développement a franchi une étape importante dans sa lutte contre la corruption et la criminalité financière en ...
PARIS (AP) — Interpol said Tuesday a major operation ... The operation spanned Burkina Faso, Gambia, Guinea and Senegal, exposing extensive networks behind the illicit practice, which causes ...
Interpol, dont le siège est en France, a déclaré que les arrestations avaient eu lieu en novembre et décembre, lors d’opérations menées conjointement avec la police panafricaine Afripol.
Interpol, which is headquartered in France, said the arrests had been made during November and December during operations conducted jointly with the pan-African police body Afripol. The arrests ...
Forty-Five People Arrested in Africa in Anti-Terrorism and Drugs Stings, Says Interpol PARIS (Reuters) - Forty-five people have been arrested in west Africa over the past three months in ...