Universal Pictures has announced on X that Christopher Nolan’s next film is The Odyssey, based on the classic Greek mythic story and will be filmed with “new IMAX film technology”.
Netflix’s upcoming movie “Narnia” will be released exclusively in Imax theaters for two weeks worldwide, the streamer confirmed Friday. The movie, directed by Greta Gerwig, will be shown on ...
Imax Corporation (IMAX) announced that it has entered into an agreement with Netflix (NFLX) to debut director Greta Gerwig’s forthcoming film “Narnia” exclusively across the Imax global ...
After months of negotiations, Imax announced that “Narnia” will be released exclusively on its screens worldwide for two weeks in advance of the film’s debut on Netflix. “Narnia” is ...
Does Netflix even cave to the demands of other filmmakers for an Imax run on their films? For motion picture studios, Imax screens are generally an essential ingredient to opening weekend success ...
But alongside what looked like a cratering movie industry during the COVID-19 pandemic, there was actually a stunning ray of hope. Imax, the Canadian-created and owned technology, has been ...
The movie industry is steadily recovering from pandemic ... with concession offerings driving revenue per attendee. She highlights IMAX (IMAX) as a top pick in the space, explaining, "People ...
The landmark deal is a win for Imax, which partners with Netflix as it seeks another limited, promotional theatrical run for one of its movie titles. Netflix acquired the film and TV rights to the ...
Greta Gerwig‘s untitled The Chronicles of Narnia film is set for a global 2026 IMAX theatrical release on November 26th, Thanksgiving Day. Greta Gerwig is one of the most successful female ...
IMAX/NETFLIX: Imax Corporation (IMAX) announced Friday that it has entered into an agreement with Netflix to debut director Greta Gerwig’s forthcoming film “Narnia,” based on the ...