Feb. 27. Adapted by Olivier Award-winning playwright Conor McPherson (Hangmen, The Pillowman), The Hunger Games: On Stage ...
The Hunger Games showcases a harsh dystopia full of cruel and mean-spirited characters, from Peeta Mellark's mother to ...
Archery expert Grizzly Jim looks at Jennifer Lawrence's skill as Katniss Everdeen in "The Hunger Games" (2012). Jim is a British archer who provides workshops, seminars, and one-on-one instruction ...
Small wonder, then, that the 16-year-old heroine of the blockbuster book trilogy and film “The Hunger Games” is fueling interest in the ancient sport of archery across the nation, including at ...
In "The Hunger Games" film, Katniss Everdeen, played by Jennifer Lawrence, wields a mean bow and arrow. Wendy Bounds spoke with Lawrence's archery instructor, Olympian Khatuna Lorig, on how she ...
The Hunger Games sparked a YA frenzy and inspired women all over the world to take up archery. If you're feeling like you want to revisit the franchise but don't know where to start, we're here to ...