BZA to discuss construction proposals and zoning variances, including Amani's townhouse plan and new supportive housing ...
Summit Avenue residents cowed a City Council member over a tree-preservation proposal, saying it would not save trees.
The owner of St. Paul Brewing says redevelopment on the Hamm's Brewery Complex could mean eliminating nearby parking spaces for his customers.
St. Paul Lutheran Church Pastor the Rev. Doug Bauman will travel to Westfield March 8 to serve as a breakout session speaker during an Evangelism Conference, hosted by the Indiana District of the ...
A free concert will take place March 6 at St. Paul Lutheran Church, 115 Central Drive in Amherst, which will feature a ...
Police are investigating an attempted carjacking that led to gunfire on Thursday night in the Hamline-Midway area of St. Paul ...
Dixon's St. Paul and Immanuel Lutheran churches raised a total of $2,430 to help pay off Dixon Public Schools' student lunch debt through two fundraisers led by the youth ministry, Gerad Von Holten, ...