The story begins about a year before the end of World War II. Fourteen-year-old Seita and his little sister Setsuko are seemingly-normal Japanese kids, trying to survive amidst the regular air ...
14 x 9 in. (35.6 x 22.9 cm.) Subscribe now to view details for this work, and gain access to over 18 million auction results. Purchase One-Day Pass ...
Critics at the time warned audiences that “Grave of the Fireflies,” directed by Isao Takahata (1935-2018), had a tragic storyline and was best viewed only once. The film was released by ...
As poignant a film as when it was first released, Grave of the Fireflies is an unflinching look at life in Japan during the final months of the Second World War directed by Isao takahata, co-founder, ...
Netflix has acquired the streaming rights to Studio Ghibli’s Grave of the Fireflies. The film will be available globally on ...