He won two major history prizes and served as a consultant for filmmaker Ken Burns. His books charted the evolution of the American presidency.
Black History Month, a celebration of Black history, culture and education, kicks off on Feb. 1. Historian and author Carter ...
Maybe this wasn't the right idea, but the legislators who sponsored the measure were likely thinking more about economic ...
Of finalists for FAU prez, two are credible administrators, and the third is a former pol who works for a private-prison ...
None of it would be possible with the work of Thomasine Allen, whose legacy has been captured in a new project spearheaded by Franklin College students. The Thomasine Allen Online Collection ...
William E. Leuchtenburg, one of the nation’s preeminent historians and the leading scholar on President Franklin D. Roosevelt and the New Deal, died Tuesday at the age of 102.
A professor emeritus at the University of North Carolina and a published author for more than 70 years, William E.
West Palm Beach centenarian Franklin Simon, who celebrated his 100th birthday in June, served heroically in Europe during ...
Lisa was a graduate of Waynesboro Area High School with the Class of 1976 and then graduated from Hagerstown Junior College ...
"The timing of Marcus Freeman and Martin Luther King Jr. Day is a powerful symbol that should be viewed with cautious ...
Military service has not done much if anything for Democrats—Clinton won the nomination against two primary opponents, Bob ...
Franklin D. Roosevelt making his inaugural address as 32nd President of the United States on Jan. 1, 1933 ... But Bush ...