An untreated yeast infection that persists for too long, can lead to complications that require medical attention. These include painful sores, infertility, or even a potentially deadly bloodstream ...
Popping pimples can be bad for your skin, leading to inflammation, infection, discoloration ... A whitehead is close to the surface and may pop and drain on its own. A deeper pimple will eventually ...
We put kitchen drain unblockers from popular brands including Cillit Bang, Domestos and Mr Muscle to the test on a U-bend blocked up tight with stubborn food residue and grease. We also tested the ...
Stress is a normal part of life. While everyone feels stressed at times, it shouldn't affect your day-to-day functioning. If you experience chronic stress and exhaustion that's affecting your ...
“Anne Frank the Exhibition” recreates the secret annex in Amsterdam where Anne Frank and seven other Jews hid for two years. This is the reconstruction of the room she shared with Fritz ...
If antibiotics are not effective, the pus may be withdrawn with a needle or allowed to drain with an incision, which is often an operating room procedure. In cases of incision and drainage, the ...
The Mavrokolympos reservoir is to be fully drained of its 1.4 million cubic metres of water over the coming days to allow access to a corroded vent – the only available option due to the way ...
Surgeon: Thanks for sharing that — I’m not up on the ID literature, but this infection threatened to get into the joint (or bloodstream or CNS — it’s a generic conversation). In the OR, we drained ...
Fistulas usually develop when anal glands become infected. Your body creates the fistula as a way to drain pus from the infection. Pus-filled anal abscesses that result from infected anal glands ...