One of DARPA’s concerns is that Russia has allegedly developed a nuclear space-based, anti-satellite weapon that may be ...
When thinking about the Arctic, images of snow, ice—maybe even a polar bear—likely come to mind. Located at the northernmost ...
Photos of the odd-looking, 180-foot ship escorted by a tugboat through the Puget Sound emerged on Reddit earlier this week ...
DARPA scientists are exploring ways to grow massive biological objects, such as telescope antennas or huge nets to snag ...
European rearmament can only be achieved through cooperation with the U.S. in developing and producing scarce military assets ...
Darren Cofer, a senior fellow at Collins Aerospace, demonstrates a cybersecurity tool developed as part of DARPA's High-Assurance Cyber Military Systems effort, or HACMS. (DARPA) Officials at the ...
Naval warfare is heading in a similar direction, exemplified by DARPA's new prototype vessel, the USX-1 Defiant. Last month, this 180-foot, 240-metric-ton ship made its debut in preparation for ...
The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) — which has been known to fund the development of sci-fi-sounding ideas like flying aircraft carriers or massive streetlights on the Moon ...
DARPA thinks that if they can prove assembly in orbit is possible, this will be the first step toward constructing large structures in space. Building Up America’s Military and Civilian Space ...