A crisis is a terrible thing to waste,” Stanford economist Paul Romer said at a venture capital seminar 21 years ago, ...
A crisis is a terrible thing to waste,” Stanford economist Paul Romer said at a venture capital seminar 21 years ago, ...
During a crisis, the news media and voting public will judge the actions of those who hold or aspire to office.
Senator Cruz said that Michelle Obama would be an "incredibly formidable" candidate for the White house as polls show both parties struggling to open a lead.
Add to that propaganda Barack Obama’s annual culture-czar decree on the year’s best movies. For any sentient citizen, these are examples of how media are used to influence or persuade the ...
Trump has regularly insulted and attacked the Obama family, referring to the former president as “Barack Hussein Obama,” and his comments about people of color have “contributed to Michelle ...
The statement did not provide any clues about why Michelle Obama will miss the ceremony. Former presidents and their spouses usually attend the inauguration, which both Barack and Michelle Obama did ...
The famous actor and director was later appointed to the California State Park and Recreation Commission in 2001 under Governors Gray Davis and Arnold Schwarzenegger, according to Business Insider.